2021. december 4., szombat

,,Hemofilia în vremea pandemiei, de Craciun, credem in miracole!"


Asociaţia Română de Hemofilie Sucursala Covasna a organizat astăzi, în data de 04.12.2021 întâlnirea regională a familiilor de hemofilici din județele Covasna, Mureș, Brașov și Harghita.
Alături de noi au fost pe cale virtuală Prof. dr. Margit Şerban, Prof. dr. Maria Delia Mihailov, și Daniel Andrei, preşedinte Asociaţia Română de Hemofilie. Participanții la eveniment au fost salutați se către Mihaly Trucki, președintele sucursalei ARH,
după care prezentatorii au vorbit despre noile tratamente în domeniul hemofiliei, importanța vaccinării anticovid, cât și despre locul Centrului medical Cristian Serban de evaluare si recuperare în viața hemofilicilor. De asemenea a fost prezentat și o dare de seamă al secretarului sucursalei privind acțiunile interprinse de voluntarii sucursalei Covasna în timpul pandemiei.
După partea oficială al evenimentului a venit și Moș Nicolae la noi, în persoana lui nea Trucki, iar Trucki Levente a susținut atmosfera de voie bună.
A fost o zi perfectă pentru membri sucursalei ARH Covasna!

2021. október 4., hétfő

HeRo Bears Camp for Young Adults

Our camp was organized between 24-27 September at Rau Sadu, Mt. Cindrel. 

Our Covasna Section members helped our NMO and were among the participants too.  
BTW, our first young adult camp was organized in 2018 at Olteni, in Covasna County, and our special guest was Declan Noone! 

In our camp the participants are aged between 19 and 30. This time we had a kayaking day on Olt river. 

Each night we had campfires. We were singing and  discussing near the campfire about life, about all that bothers us.  The wilderness was around us. From time to time we heard the deers roaring and fighting with each other. 
We did some tours in the mountains. We had a workshop about how to do the faktor in extreme conditions and about how to behave and survive in high mountains.   
Our future doctor, Chris, was the hero of our camp he amazed us by doing  things that for even a "normal" person was hard. 
We had some workshops on teambuilding. 
Over all we enjoyed a lot this camp and hardly wait the new one!  

Very special thank you to Mrs. Adriana Henderson and STAR Children Relief Foundation for their sponsorship and their help! 

2021. október 3., vasárnap

We are back!

After a period of time we publish our activities mainly on our NMO's Facebook and webpage. 

Now it's time to use our again our Covasna County ARH section blog too, because as much as we have more channels the more our Hemophilia community will know better about us. 

So wish us luck!