1. Objectives :I shall go on a bike to the WFH Congress which will be held next year in Istanbul. The Romanian Hemophilia Association through this action wants to focus the public attention on hemophilia and to talk about our problems. I shall do 1089km in 14 days.
2. Justification: My younger son, Daniel has got severe hemophilia. He was diagnosed at the age of 1. Since then we faced with many problems through which I understood that I can’t manage alone Daniel’s situation. But after we entered in the association I realized that not only we have difficulties, that there are people who are in even worse situation. That’s why I decided to do this trip not only for my son, but for the whole hemophilia community.
3. Activities: During my trip I shall stop in each important town, no matter if it’s Romanian, Bulgarian or Turkish. There I shall meet the local hemophila associations and the local media too. Once arrived there in the name of our association I want to get in contact with other similar organizations to build common actions and develop a partner relationship over the medium to long term.
4. Duration and plan of action:
I shall do 1089km in 14 days.
17 May start from Sfantu Gheorghe to Brasov 32 km
18 May Brasov-Pitesti (via Bran) 133 km
19 May Pitesti-Bucuresti 113 km (via Leordeni, Titu)
20 May press conference in Bucharest
21 May Bucuresti-Giurgiu-Ruse 64+9 km
22 May Ruse-Sumen 112 km
23 May Sumen-Varna 93 km
24 May Varna Burgas 128 km
25 May Burgas-Primorsko 65 km
26 May Primorsko-Malko Tarnovo 78 km
27 May Malko Tarnovo-Kirklareli (Turkey) 53 km
28 May Kirklareli-Saray 68 km
29 May Saray-Durusu 77 km
30 May Durusu-Istanbul 36 km
31 May rest
1-5 June Conference!
5.Expected impact:
- to raise broad awareness of hemophilia not only in my country, but in other countries too.
- to show an alternative to people about how they can involve to help
-to provide fresh ideas and strategies for the youth about how they can spend their free time
6. Target group:
-Ministry of Health
- officials
- medical staff
- media
- ordinary people
7. Results:
-better medical assistance
- more medical products for treatment (an ordinary patient with severe haemophilia receives each month 1 dose monthly!)